An Easy Guide on How to Spray Paint Your Door Hinges


Updating the look of your door hardware doesn't necessarily mean replacing them. One cost-effective way to freshen up your door hinges is by spray painting them. In this post, we'll walk you through the process of how to spray paint your door hinges.

What is Spray Painting, and Why Does it Matter for Door Hinges?

Spray painting is a painting technique where a device sprays a coating of paint, ink, varnish, etc., through the air onto a surface. It's a convenient and effective way to renovate door hinges without the need for complete replacement, saving you time and money.

How to Spray Paint Your Door Hinges?

Follow these simple steps to spray paint your door hinges:

  1. Gather Your Materials: You'll need spray paint (in your desired colour), a screwdriver, a mask, gloves, sandpaper, and a clean cloth.

  2. Remove the Hinges: Use the screwdriver to remove the hinges from the door and the frame.

  3. Clean and Sand the Hinges: Use a clean cloth to wipe away any dirt or dust from the hinges. Then, gently sand them to create a good surface for the paint to adhere to.

  4. Apply the Spray Paint: Hold the spray paint can about 20-30 centimetres away from the hinges and apply the paint evenly. It's best to apply several light coats rather than one heavy coat.

  5. Let the Paint Dry: Allow the paint to dry completely before reattaching the hinges to the door and frame.

  6. Reattach the Hinges: Once the paint is dry, reattach the hinges to the door and frame using the screwdriver.

Tips and Reminders for Spray Painting Door Hinges

Here are some tips to keep in mind when spray painting door hinges:

  1. Work in a Well-Ventilated Area: Spray paint fumes can be harmful if inhaled. Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear a mask to protect yourself.

  2. Protect Your Surroundings: Use newspaper or a drop cloth to protect your workspace from any paint overspray.


Spray painting is a simple and cost-effective way to refresh the look of your door hinges. For more useful tips on door hardware maintenance, don't forget to check out our other blog posts.


If you're looking for high-quality door hinges to refresh your door, visit Frelan Hardware. Our selection includes a wide variety of styles and finishes to suit your needs.

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