The Ultimate Guide on How to Install Door Hinges


Door hinges are the essential components that allow your doors to swing open and close seamlessly. In this post, we'll provide an ultimate guide on how to install door hinges, allowing you to make the most out of your door hardware.

What are Door Hinges, and Why Does Their Installation Matter?

Door hinges are pivotal hardware pieces that attach your door to the frame, enabling it to open and close. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the smooth operation and longevity of your doors.

How to Install Door Hinges

Here's a step-by-step guide to installing door hinges:

  1. Gather Your Tools: Ensure you have the necessary tools for the job. You'll likely need a chisel, hammer, screwdriver, and a drill.

  2. Measure and Mark: Determine where the hinges will go and mark these positions accurately on both the door and frame.

  3. Cut the Hinge Mortises: Using a chisel and hammer, cut out the areas you marked for the hinges.

  4. Fix the Hinges: Secure the hinges into the mortises with screws.

  5. Attach the Door: Line up the door with the frame and connect the two parts of the hinge. Check the door's movement and make any necessary adjustments. [Link to the product page of door hinges]

Tips and Reminders for Installing Door Hinges

Here are some tips to keep in mind when installing door hinges:

  1. Safety First: Always prioritise safety. Use the right tools correctly and wear protective gear if necessary.

  2. Take Your Time: Rushing the process can lead to mistakes. It's important to take your time, especially when chiselling out the hinge mortises.


Proper door hinge installation can greatly impact the operation and lifespan of your doors. For more information on door hardware installation, check out our other blog posts.


If you're ready to install your door hinges, visit Frelan Hardware to browse our wide selection of high-quality door hinges. Our team is always here to assist with your door hardware needs.

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