What Is A Dummy Lever Door Handle? Frelan Hardware

Lever door handles are the most important part of the door. There are a variety of door handles; some are for privacy, some for enhancing the decoration. Every type of door handle has its own specific functions.

Dummy lever door handles are also available in the market, and these handles are not for privacy; then what is their function? 

To find out all the details about the dummy lever door handles, read the article given below.

Dummy Lever Door Handle

A dummy lever door handle does not have any functional purpose. The door handles are mostly used to push or rotate to open a door or have a lock latch system for private space, but these dummy door handles do not have this kind of function.

Taylor Dummy Spindle

Taylor Dummy Spindle

Dummy lever door handles just act as a handle to push or pull a door. These lever handles are mostly used for kitchen cabinets, drawers, and double doors, which do not require any lock system.

Types Of Dummy Lever Door Handles

There are two types of dummy lever door handles. The detail is given below:

  • Single Dummy Handle: A single dummy door handle is for only the exterior side of the door or a cabinet. These handles are just for pulling purposes. 
  • Double Dummy Handle: A double dummy lever handle has two handles on both sides of the door. This type of dummy handle is used on doors that don’t require a latch or lock but need the same appearance on both sides.

Where Are Dummy Lever Door Handles Used?

Dummy lever door handles are used in places where you do not require any lock or privacy. The following are the places where you can use these lever door handles:

  • Closet Doors: These are mostly sliding or bifold doors, which do not require any lock mechanism, so you can use dummy lever handles. It just provides you a grip to pull or slide the door.
  • Cabinet Doors: Dummy lever door handles are used on the cabinet door just to enhance the aesthetics of the door.
  • Pantry Doors: Like closet doors, pantry doors don’t need a locking mechanism. A dummy lever is easy to use for opening and closing the pantry door.
  • Double Doors: In this type, one of the doors usually has an active latch, while the other is fixed. The fixed door has a dummy lever to match the appearance of the functional door, but it does not take part in the lock mechanism.

How Does Dummy Lever Door Handle Work?

Dummy lever door handles do not have any working mechanism because it is used just for pulling and pushing the door. These door handles provide you with a grip for opening the door. Some homeowners use these door handles just for decorative purposes.

Why Use A Dummy Lever Door Handle?

There are a few reasons why someone might choose to install a dummy lever door handle. Here are some of the main benefits:

Attractive Outlook

Most homeowners use dummy lever door handles due to their attractive outlook. It enhances the elegance of the door interior. Most of the dummy lever handles are for only decoration of the door.


Installing dummy lever door handles is an easy method. You don't need a bunch of hardware to put them in place. These handles are straightforward to attach to a door using screws. If you're looking for a handle that just helps you pull the door open without any locks or latches, these are perfect. They work well in spots where you want a simple look.

Simple Function

Dummy lever handles have a straightforward job since they don't play a part in any locking system. They're just basic door handles you need to pull or push doors open. Because they're so basic, dummy door handles work great on kitchen cabinets, pantries, and double doors.


Homeowners who installed double doors in their houses want to have handles that match on both sides of the door. This provides the symmetry to the interior of doors. By installing these dummy door handles, you can easily enhance the elegance of the door.

How to Install a Dummy Lever Door Handle

Installing dummy lever handles is the quickest and easiest way to go since you don't need to attach any latches to the frame. Here's how to do it in a few basic steps:

  • Required Tools: A screwdriver and drill are required in this process. The drill is required to drill a hole for the screws to fit in.
  • Mark The Position Of Handle: Take the handle and place it in the position where you want to fix it. Mark this place with a pencil. The space should be even from every side of the door.
  • Position Of The Holes: Mark the position of the holes for screws with a pencil.
  • Fit The Handle: For the door handles of heavier doors, you have to drill pilot holes first and then fit the screws in them easily. Dill the screws in the hole while holding the door handle.
  • Take Overview of Door Handle: After fixing the door handle, check that it is aligned properly.


It is concluded that a dummy lever door handle is a non-functional handle used for decorative purposes or to make it easier to open doors that don’t require a latch or lock. Dummy handles are easy to install, enhance the look of your home, and provide simple functionality where you don’t need the complexity of a traditional handle with a lockset.

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