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How A Door Handle Works? Interesting Facts

Written by Frelan Hardware | Jun 11, 2024 11:02:29 AM

Many products and components in our home decor play a vital role in the household's functionality. Yet, we don't even know how most of them operate or what the underlying mechanics behind them are. One such thing is a door handle.

If you have never seen it from the perspective of how it works and want to know how a door handle works, then this article is the best guide you will find. It will discuss the basic working principles and the parts of it that play a crucial role in its functioning.

Seeing the door handle from the outside might seem like such simple-looking hardware, but what resides inside it is complex in its workings: the latch or the door handle mechanism. Therefore, a proper knowledge of its workings will help you not only in fitting it but also in using it correctly. Also read about how to install a door handle

In this article, let's simplify the working mechanism of a door handle that seems complex to many people.

The 4 Most Important Parts Of A Door Handle

To know the workings of a door handle, it is essential first to know what parts play a crucial role in its working. Following are some of the parts that make it  functional:

  • A Knob Or The Lever

It is part of a door handle that makes it functional by initiating the door mechanism. It is called the lever, and it could also be a round knob. It has a turning effect that enables the door handle mechanism to pull the latch bolt out of the door frame, which helps open the door.

It comes in different styles, but the most common ones are the levers and the knobs. The main difference between the two is that the lever can be pushed up or down to open the door, while in knobs, the same thing is done by rotating the knobs. 

  • Backplate

Depending on the design of the door handle you are using; the backplate can have a circular or rectangular shape in most cases. It is an exterior part of the door where the door handle is connected to it. Replacing it or changing it is pretty easy as it has screws which can be easily unscrewed with a screwdriver.

In most cases, it is attached to the door without the screws, and the screw is not visible. But there are some designs in which it has 2 to 3 screws. It helps the backplate to stay attached to the door.

  • Spindle

Moving from the exterior to the interior part of the door handle, the spindle is the main part to discuss. Since there are two door levers on each side of the door, the spindle is connected to both of these knobs or door handles.

One handle of the door will have a spindle, while the other part has an aperture that receives the spindle. This way, the spindle will fit through the door and the latch to reach the handle on the other side of the door.

  • Springs And The Latch Assembly

When the door is opened, the door handle or the knob is turned, which makes the bolts move. Therefore, there are springs within the assembly that keeps them in place when the knob is turned. The door latch is yet another important part of the door handle.

It sits inside the door and helps to pull the latch bolt in and out of the door. The turn mechanism of the knob does it. This part has a strike plate being screwed to the narrower part of the door frame, which frames the hole in which the latch bolt slides for opening and closing the door.

How A Door Handle Work? 4 Steps

Working of a door handle is possible if all the parts are functional and clean. The parts mentioned in the article above are important for its functionality. Following are the 4 main steps that govern its working mechanism:

Step 01: Turning The Knob

The first step in the working of a door mechanism is turning the door lever or knob. It is a simple process in which the knob is turned or the levers are pushed down. It initiates the movement of the spindle within the latch mechanism of a door handle.

Step 02: Rotation Of The Spindle

The main part that opens and closes a door via a door handle is the latch bolt. It is moved when the knob is turned, which rotates the spindle, which then rotates the spindle hole in the latch mechanism. This pulls the latch bolt out of the door frame that is used to close or open the door.

Step 03: Pulling The Handle Back In Place

The inside door lock mechanism is pretty straightforward. Once the door lever is released, the spring within the door handle pushes the door handle to the initial position, which automatically rotates the spindle and puts the latch back out.

Step 04: Closing The Door

When anyone pushes the door, the latch that was out in the previous step goes back into the mechanism and will come out once the whole process is repeated. The spring also pushes the latch back out of the latch mechanism and past the strike plate back into the recess of the door frame.


So, how a door handles works? It is pretty simple. There are parts of a door handle, such as a lever, spindle, and latch mechanism that work together for the smooth functionality of a door handle. Some of the common steps in the working of almost every door handle are turning the knob, rotating the spindle, pulling the handle back in place, and then finally closing the door. The above article discusses in brief, all the steps in the working mechanism of a door handle. 


How does the door knob work?

The working of any door knob is pretty simple. Once the person turns the door lever or knob, the spindle with the door handle rotates, pulling the latch bolt within the latch mechanism to open the door. The opposite happens when the door handle is released, which means that the latch bolt comes out of the latch mechanism and fits into the hole of the striker plate.