Adding products to your basket on our website has never been easier. Below we'll run through the two methods; Quick Ordering and Quick Order Import with video tutorials and step-by-step guides!
In order to use these features, you need to have a Frelan Hardware trade account. You can easily register for a trade account with us HERE
In the video, we demonstrate just how easy it is to use our Quick Ordering feature. To quickly order products, simply follow these steps:
The 'Currently in Your Basket' section below the Quick Order function will then update to show the products in your basket.
To quickly import your products, simply follow these steps:
The 'Currently in Your Basket' section above the Import Quick Order function will then update to show the products in your basket.*
*As demonstrated in the video guide, if you receive an error message that says 'failed to add [product code]' this may be because the product is currently out of stock.